Sunday 17 August 2008

Modus vivendi

Recently I have been feeling as if I am changing as a person. And I don’t feel that the changes in my character have been any good. When I was in Sri Lanka few months ago, I had a go at my parents and sisters, for something they did. Although I was right, I didn’t handle the whole thing well. So yeah! You could say that I screwed that up big time. From that day onwards I was feeling so down and miserable, thinking I had hurt my parents. Anyway it’s all sorted now. I had other things in my head, and I think, I took out my anger on them. I know it’s not fair on them. I did so many things that I wouldn’t have done If I had thought about it for few seconds. It’s not like me….
Anyway this made me think, about how I used to take my life. Just to remind my self, what really LIFE means to me and how should I be living my life, I wrote these moral codes last night.

So here is my list of codes

  • You are not a no-body. Somewhere someone will always think about you. For that person you are everything
  • Don’t be ashamed of you, your culture, your religion and your background
  • You are unique and one of a kind, don’t compare yourself with anyone else
  • Your life can be what you want it to be, so choose your own destiny. You might not achieve it…but at least you have tried
  • Take your life as it comes, day by day. Life is all about the present seconds…. So live, as these were your last few seconds in this world
  • Take the time for your family and friends. Your presence is more important to your family than your presents
  • You will make it through whatever comes along, the best way out is always going through
    Understand yourself and respect you…before you start judging others.
  • Have courage, be strong
  • Do not put limits on yourself, but don’t be greedy at the same time
  • Decisions are too important to leave to chance. Always consult both your Head and heart
  • Reach for your peak, your goal and you prize. So many dreams are waiting to be realized, go with your intuition but not at any cost. Only regrets you would have will be the ones you have never tried
  • Nothing wastes more energy than worrying, arguing, shouting, back stabbing at each other
  • The longer one carries a problem or a revange the heavier it gets, so don’t drag you problems, anger, revenge…let it go. And learn to forgive people
  • Do not take things too seriously, don’t get attached to materialism. Don’t get trapped under greed, lust, anger, attachment and ego
  • When the time comes everything has to go and everyone needs to say good bye.
  • Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets
  • Remember the friendship is an investment that you will never go bust
  • Life's treasure are people together
  • It is never too late for a new beginning.Have heart, hope and happiness
  • The best thing you can give your loved ones is not money but love itself. Remember that a little love and care, pleasant smile and cuddly words to a loved one goes a long way
  • Say sorry when you are sorry…say you love them…when you really love them, if you missed someone, let them know, care about others not only friends and family…but the strangers as well…because if you care about them, they are not strangers anymore… remember these small things goes a long way…towards others and yours happiness
  • Be frank and honest. But remember its not always good to speak your mind out.
  • Shed some tears when ought to, crying doesn’t make you weak
  • Everything happens for a good reason
  • Life sucks…if you are pessimistic, Life is a gift if you are optimistic
  • life is what happens to you while you are making future plans
  • Never explain and swear yourself to anyone for anything…Because if they loves you and knows you well, then they wont need the explanation.

I might not follow it all the time. But I try my best. Some of the ideas are contradictory, but in its own perspective, it would have its own reason. If I was asked to come up with new codes for life, this is what I would come up.


astute87 said...

Will do mate.. that was a quick comment.. hope you stick on to your codes.. good luck!

Akash said...

cheers mate

Keshi said...

Well-done! U learnt so much from one bad experience.


Lady divine said...

that's awesome.. we may not stick to these all the time.. but I think the realisation that lies here is what would matter the most..:)
great post!

Akash said...

Hi keshi
I didnt learn the whole thing from this experiance....its just these are the things i would prefer to have in my head and heart..

Akash said...

Hi Lady Divine
Thanks for dropping by

Ekta said...

I do it all the time and then feel terribly miserable abt it later!!
So its ok...i think parents above all understand we dont mean these things coz they understand us the best!

Keshi said...

thats a starting point to learning..


Aarthi said...

I cldnt read more...but with what i all happenes in life...v cant avoid it..jus chill

Anonymous said...

Awesome! >:D<

Codes are a good read...some of it even makes sense! :)